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First Responders, Firefighters, EMT

Elbert Fire Prot Dist

24310 Main Street
Elbert, CO 80106

We are a 100% volunteer department, and we are always accepting new volunteers for firefighter and/or EMT. We currently have 14 members, and are always looking to add more to our family. You do not have to reside within our fire district to become a member.

We do provide transport service, and only do 911 calls, no inter-facility transports. We cover approx. 186sq miles, and run on average 170 calls per year. There is 1 station in town, which has a EMT on shift during the week, and 2 sub stations that has addition apparatus. We currently have 2 ambulances, one is in town and one is located at our substation that is located by the Ben Kelly Airpark.

Everyone has a role on every call, even if they do not have a certification. You will never be expected to sit and watch if you do not have a certification. Everyone has a vital role when responding on calls. We do accept applications all year around.

Volunteer Category: Firefighter, EMT

You will receive EMS and Fire training, and we do not require any certifications to join. We will help you obtain your certifications if you would like.

You must be 18 years of age. We want people who can devote a minimum or 36 hours of shift time but you may do more if you would like. We have six training's a month, and one members meetings. We encourage everyone to make all training's, and meetings.

We want people who are willing to work as a team, learn new skills, teach others, and respond to as many calls as possible. There is no age limit to becoming a member.